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Methodology Application Program



850 euro net



Training description

Prosci’s Methodology Application Program (MAP) zeroes in on what’s new in Prosci’s updated, more actionable and accessible methodology—and the benefits to you and your organization.

Designed for Prosci Practitioner and Certification Program graduates, this one-day program teaches you how to leverage the refreshed methodology for change success. In fact, you’ll learn how to apply the new methodology to a project.

You’ll also become familiar with the new robust, user-friendly tools in the game-changing Prosci Hub Solution Suite. And as an attendee, you will receive a one-year subscription to important tools and content in the suite.


Krzysztof Ogonowski

Change management and strategy implementation expert. Member of PMI Poland Chapter from its’ origin and first in CEE Prosci Certified Advanced Instructor, active member of global structures of ACMP. Keen on diving and NHL fan.